fredag 22 september 2017

Different weightloss products

 There are many weight loss products that promise fast weight loss results, however, are these really guaranteed to work?  Can these products live up to the sales pitch and hype we are given?

In the US there is an estimated 50 million people who are trying to lose weight.  Unfortunately, and this is a sad statistic, only 5 per cent are successful.  Something is going on - let’s look at some products and see if any of them have proven results.

1  Diet Patch - this was already removed by the FDA since they were proven ineffective.

2.  Magnetic Diet Pills - these were supposed to flush out the fat.  They just didn’t work, how could they.

3.  Guar Gum - this has been proven to cause internal obstructions, not to lose weight.

4.  Electrical Muscle Stimulators - great idea but no benefits at all.

5  Eyeglasses that Suppress Appetite - the claim was that a projected image on the retina decreased a persons appetite.  As you expect, this does not work.

6.  Weight loss earrings - acupuncture of the ears suppresses appetite.  No, people with earrings don’t lose more weight then people without.

7.  Diet drinks.  A solution for the short term as weight loss can be achieved.  But let’s look at the big picture and the long term.  Once a person stops taking the drinks, they will eventually regain the lost weight, and usually, more weight. 

8.  Herbalife Nutritional Program.  Replace two meals with a drink and some vitamin supplements.  This is not a solution to weight issues and let’s face it, who wants to replace two meals - we like to eat.

9.  Mega-Thin 100 Formula.  A formula that supposedly contains an anti-fat weapon is, in fact, a short term appetite suppressant that will soon wear off and weight gain will start.

10.  Nestl’s Sweet Success.  A supplement to take three times a day which in no way promotes healthy eating habits.  Weight loss is impossible to maintain once the intake is stopped.  This is a very costly weight loss program that will not work in the long term.

11. Ultra Slim Fast.  This plan requires regular exercise, which is a very good thing to promote, but it does not teach healthy eating habits that are essential for any long term weigh loss success.

12.  Diet pills with Ephedra and PPA.  Many of these have enclosed diet plans that work in conjunction with the pills so it could just be the new diet that loses the pounds. There are known risks with these pills such as heart problems, seizure, stroke, and even death - just don’t take them.

13.  Hitosan products.  These contain ingredients taken from shellfish and are supposed to promote weight loss.  They can cause diarrhea, bloating, gas and will only work in any way if an ultra-low fat diet is practiced.

14.  Chromium Supplements.  These claim they lower blood sugar, reduce body fat and lower cholesterol levels but have been shown to cause anemia and some memory loss.  Studies have concluded no long term beneficial effects.

15.  Green Tea Extract Products.  These are known as strong anti-oxidants that help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and promote weight loss.  While the anti-oxidant part is of little doubt, the weight loss portion is still to be proven.  Additionally, the caffeine content can cause insomnia and restlessness.

16.  Algae Tablets.  Spirulina contains significant nutrients that can be a useful food when used as part of a varied diet.  These may be beneficial as part of a larger weight loss plan but are ineffective by themselves.  They are also very costly.

17.  St. John’s Wort Supplement. Claims that it will reduce appetite and promote weight loss are not confirmed.  It is much more likely that it will lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, tiredness, sleeplessness, and allergic reactions.

18.  Glucomannan Products.  The claim is that that two capsules before each meal decrease food absorption.  These are known as food thickeners and are not yet proven safe or effective.  Like all of these things, weight loss will only happen if good diet plan is followed.

As you can see, the “fad diet” market is massive and very nearly 100% of the products are ineffective.  You must stay away from these products.

But, losing weight is not a hidden secret and you don’t need any miracle products.  You do need a good plan that you can easily stick to.  One that fits right into your current lifestyle so no major changes are required.  There are a few plans like this available but they are few and far between.

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fredag 15 september 2017

10 Ways to Successfully Lose Weight

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Because of our growing population and the ever increasing of dementia and obesity, it is especially important for us to try and lose weight to improve our overall health and well-being.

It can be very hard to lose weight. That is why so many of us are obese and some unfortunately morbidly obese. It can be easy to just do nothing about our weight loss and just keep putting on weight. However, this is a recipe for ill health and heart disease if not a rash of other serious health problems in the future. 

So, we cannot afford not to take concrete and consistent steps to do so for overall health and well-being.
Here are the ten ways to successfully lose weight.

1. Make sure that you don't start a weight-loss program until you have absolute and deep determination to protect your health and well-being. This will give you A greater chance of losing weight over the long-haul.

2. Make sure that you have social support while pursuing the difficult goal of shedding pounds. A study has shown that in-person support and even support delivered remotely without face-to-face contact has resulted in obese people achieving and sustaining significantly more weight loss than control subjects who got no support.

3. Set realistic goals. This can take some tweaking at first. However, be very determined to modify your goals until they work for you and yield the kinds of results that you so much deserve to have.

4. Do not skip meals. Eat breakfast. During the day, consume healthy snacks. You must keep your tummy happy over the long-term.

5. Resolve to substitute nutritious food for unhealthy varieties. Try to eat the Mediterranean diet where you will increase the proportion of fruits, veggies and seafood you consume. Also, eat fish or other seafood three times a week, red meat once a week, and chicken one to two days a week. In the remaining day or two of the week, eat dishes that include chickpeas, beans, or lentils. They all have great health benefits.

6. Make sure your daily intake of fruit includes at least five different fruits. Ideally, colourful fruits are part of your choice because they have been shown to lower blood pressure and have a number of other health benefits.

7. Eat nuts and seeds for snacks. Make sure that they are unsalted and in the shell. Don't snack anything in a shiny bag. All of your food should be as close to what nature created as possible.

8. Avoid all you can eat buffets. Under certain circumstances such as these we become insatiable and really eat more calories than we should.

9. Avoid alcohol as much as possible. You can have it occasionally. But it really is a diet buster because of all the sugar that it contains.

10. Take the salt shaker off the table. Add spaces and Mrs. Dash instead. This can help you to not have as much water retention. Also, you can avoid heart disease.

By taking these steps, you will be taking some of the most important steps to lose weight. But also remember to be patient and don't expect immediate results. This is another diet buster and could become a reason why you cheat.

Article Source:

torsdag 20 juli 2017

Quick Ways to Lose Weight Today

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Would you trust that it's conceivable to diminish around 5 pounds from your body weight in a week without starving, assuming how to lose weight fast or even totally disposing of some nutrition class from your eating routine? Trust it or not, it's conceivable! That as well, just by making a couple gives up and tailing some particular methods. Perused on to take in the right eating and practice system you have to take after, and how to get more fit in a week.

Everyone has tried ways on how to lose weight fast. The fact is that it takes discipline, motivation, and hard work to succeed on how to lose weight fast. That is the first thing you need to learn. You must have the guts and the heart to pull through any challenges that come with losing weight. Changes must be made, for you to lose weight effectively and stay off permanently. There are a lot of ways on how to lose weight fast. However, you need to choose the best and the most natural way to do it. To make it easy for you, here are some tips that could help you on how to lose weight fast.

1. Change your eating habits - Starving yourself is not good for the body. It is your daily habit that is crucial to weight loss and weight control. It is the high-calorie foods that you consumed every day that does the real damage. So you need to change your eating habits for you to lose and maintain weight. Eat low-calorie foods like vegetables and fruits. Not only that it is low in calories, but it is also high in vitamins, fiber, and minerals that the body needs. Red meat is a good source of Vitamin B12 and protein, but it is also high in fats. Choose lean meat instead. Lean meat like chicken and fish are rich in protein with less fat content. Fish meat is also rich in omega oils that are good for the heart.

Drinking water is also important in our weight loss goals. Drinking too much soda's and processed drinks are literally sending the extra calories straight to your waist. Not only that water replenishes and rejuvenates the body, but it also detoxifies the body of toxins that could make us gain weight. Changes, like drinking skim milk instead of full cream or choosing air, popped popcorn over microwaved caramel popcorn could reduce your daily calorie intake. Eating healthy foods is a great way to lose weight. You also need to eat more frequently during the day. Instead of eating three large meals, change it to 5 to 6 smaller meals. Eating more frequently keeps our stomach guessing on when the next meal is. This makes the stomach work like crazy. In this process, it increases your metabolism rate.

2. Exercise daily - Now that you know what foods to eat, and when to eat your meals. The next step is for you to have a daily routine of exercise. This doesn't imply that you have to be on an expensive gym or hire a personal trainer. That would be good if you can afford, but there are ways to do it on your own. The first thing you need to adjust on is your wake up time. Wake up early to have a productive morning. Before you eat your breakfast, do some cardio exercise first? It could be jogging, fast walking, or running. Do it for at least 30 minutes. 
After that do some exercise those tones up your whole body? If you are too bored to do some exercise, then you could be active in a sport that you love. It may be basketball, football, swimming or dancing. Weight Lifting is another way to burn those fats and increase your metabolism rate.
We could not deny that exercise is the best and most effective way on how to lose weight fast. This doesn't mean that you should go to an expensive gym. 
There are so many free forms of exercise that you could do at home. Here is some exercise that you could do; walking, power walking, running, jogging, aerobic, cycling, swimming, and yoga. But based on scientific facts the best exercise that you could have is swimming. You could burn more calories per hour than any other exercises mentioned above. Spend 30 minutes to 1 hour a day in any exercise that you would love to do

3. Food selection - That's right, you have to select the best and nutritious food for your body. I know it is hard to eliminate your favorite foods out of your system. However, you need to stop eating junk foods or any unhealthy foods for one week. This short trial might even help you construct a more sustainable, healthier diet plan. 
That means you should eat more of the natural, organic and unprocessed foods. Avoid or eliminate soda's, processed drinks, oily and fatty foods. Lean meats - Beef and pork have a high content of fats, and the oil content just rises depending on how you cook it. The solution? Replace beef and pork with fresh tuna, salmon, sardines, chicken and any sea food available. Not only that they have low-fat content, but they are also very rich in antioxidants.

4. Weight Lifting - Eliminating fats and building some lean muscle is very important. Exercise can burn calories very fast, but your metabolism drops as soon as you stop. However adding lean muscles will provide you with more efficient fat burning and will surely increase your metabolism rate. Weight training is best when done for 3 to 4 days a week, and 30 to 60 minutes per session.

5. Increasing your metabolism - This must be the most underrated step on how to lose weight fast. With a faster metabolism, it keeps your body working and burning fats. You could increase your metabolism by food supplements, eating less but more often during the day and weight lifting.

6. The most important of all is rest - Never ignore or take for granted this step. You should allow your body to rest 6 to 8 hours a day. Sleep at a proper time.

7. Quit eating white bread and pasta, white rice, sandwich rolls and spaghetti. This will affect your weight as these basic carbs just purpose bloating, particularly close to your paunch as they are processed rapidly. This abandons you hungry rapidly, and expansions the propensity of your indulging later on. Rather, supplant them with more beneficial entire grain bread items and vegetables. So as opposed to eating a chicken sandwich, it's better on the off chance that you eat a chicken plate of mixed greens and rather than chips, have some carrot and a plunge.
 As vegetables are intricate carbs, they take more time to process and in this way keep you full more. Additionally, they are for the most part water which flushes out abundance water weight from your body.

By Eric Diadla

Article Source:

lördag 18 mars 2017

3 Quick Dieting Tips For the Busy Person

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Finding time to lose weight can be tough, especially when you work and have a family to look after. In fact most people blame not having enough time to focus on weight loss as their primary reason for being fat. This is because they may not have any time to cook healthy low calorie foods or even find time to properly workout.

Well today you are going to learn a few quick diet tips that will help you start losing more weight. Before we get into these weightloss tips you should really take a look at your life and realize that you have more time than you think when it comes to finding time to be healthy. Recently one of the contestants on the TV show the biggest loser stated that before going on the show, he would watch television for 3 to 4 hours a night and that he used to always make the excuse that he couldn't find time to workout. Well while on the show, he stated that he noticed that he was wrong as if he had time to watch TV, he had time to fit in a good workout or cook a healthy meal.

To figure out how you can increase your health, you should first write down your entire days activities from when you wake up till you go to sleep. Once you have done this you can then analyze your entire day and definitely find some time to add either some fitness or healthy cooking time into your day, this may be during your TV time, lunch hour or even just taking the kids out for a physical activity. Here are the 3 tips that will help you really get a grasp on your weightloss.
  1. Find time to do a minimum 30 minutes of cardio every day. Now before you squint your eyes and release a big "ooooooohhhhhh" you should know that the 30 minutes of cardio does not have to be in 1 effort. In fact it can be done in 3 or even 5 small cardio workouts. It can be a 10 minute morning jog, a 10 minute lunchtime walk and a 10 minute after dinner stroll. The main idea is to get your body moving. You will feel great and definitely burn more fat than just sitting on the couch.
  2. Eat 6 small meals a day. This is probably the easiest way to lose weight as it is virtually an effort free dieting method. Try to distribute your carbs earlier in the morning and make sure to eat some vegetables during each snack. Generally you will find that 3 of the meals will be "meals" and 3 will be low calorie snacks.
  3. Drink green tea and avoid sodas and juices as they are full of unwanted calories that will make you fat. Drinking green tea is a great tool for quick weight loss [] and has even been proven to speed up a person's metabolic rate by 5%. Try aiming for 3 cups of green tea a day and when preparing a cup of green tea make sure the tea bag sits for a minimum of 5 minutes before drinking, and the most important factor when drinking green tea is to drink it plain and without sugar.
Follow these online diet strategies and you will see that they do not take much time to do and you will lose tons of weight at the same time.
Article Source:

fredag 17 mars 2017

3 Secrets To Successfully Sticking With A Weight Loss Program

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Struggling to stick with your diet program? You aren’t alone. Millions of people worldwide start up and fall off diet programs every day. Why is it so hard to stick with something? Why they can’t carry out a plan once and for all?
Often, it’s due to a few key mistakes they’re making along the way. Let’s take a closer look at three secrets that you need to know about sticking with a diet program. When you put these secrets into action, you’ll find it’s easier than ever to get the results that you are looking for.
Get A Diet Buddy
One word of advice: don’t go at it alone. Those who get a diet buddy to do a diet and experience the high’s and low’s with them tend to stand a much better chance of seeing success in the long run.
If you can’t convince someone to do the diet with you, at the very least, find someone who will stand by your side and be there for support when you need it.
You will hit a hard time, and during that hard time, it can really help if you have someone there to encourage you through it.
Use Hunger-Busting Strategies
Hunger is another reason why many people can’t stick with a fat loss diet plan. Either they are cutting their calories back too far, thereby causing the hunger, or they are not eating foods that encourage satiety.
You want to focus your diet around foods that break down and digest slowly. Lean proteins coupled with fibrous carbohydrates are the best choices, followed closely by small doses of dietary fat.
While the calories in fat do add up quickly, a small amount added to your diet can work wonders to help you better control hunger.
Set Short Term Goals
Finally, consider setting some short term goals. Think about what it is that you want to accomplish within the next two or three weeks. Far too many people have a long term view of what they hope to achieve in a year’s time, but it’s too easy to lose sight of that light at the end of the tunnel.
Instead, focus on the here and now. Find a program such as The 3 Week Diet that has you focusing on the coming weeks ahead. Build good habits in those three weeks and you will be well set up for the future months.
Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you won’t lose all the weight you have to lose in just a week. Be patient, but at the same time, don’t fixate too far in the future. Otherwise, you’ll just lose motivation and give up.
Want to learn more about how to make the 3 week concept work for you? Check out The 3 Week Diet plan, which teaches you how to build proper habits over the course of three weeks that result in great weight loss and set you up for a future of weight loss and maintenance